Monday, August 20, 2007


Today marks the last day before we 'close shop',
and in conjunction with two people's birthday,
the team has decided to eat zii charr.
and after today, i'm going to take my first long leave
since joining the team.
as planned,
i'll be on leave from tomorrow all the way till next Tuesday,
Here's what I'm going to do:
Tuesday: Hang out with a friend
Wednesday: Change money and do those pre-travel prep
Thursday to Sunday: Hong Kong
Next Tues: secret event
So I'm still free on a few days for meet ups.
Some peeps in my team which I took today
during dinner and during one particular rehearsal session.

(L) Ber*nard the video editor and (R) Ming*Cai the cameraman
Wang Run, my next table colleague. On the news and features beat. :P

1 comment:

weetzdom tooth said...

have fun in HK ! :)